
About the Community Safety portfolio

Portfolio Holders Uploaded on December 6, 2019

Community Safety and Police Liaison

This portfolio covers all aspects of community safety, including keeping in contact with
Police and other organisations such as Trading Standards on matters relating to the general
safety of village residents, and liaise with the Parish Clerk and full Council on any matters that require Council action.

Two other roles fall within the Community Safety portfolio.

Speedwatch Co-ordinator;

Community Speedwatch is operated by volunteers, trained by Police, using Police approved
speed monitoring equipment to help reduce traffic speeds through the village. Drivers
detected significantly over the speed limit are sent warning letters by the Police.

Co-ordinator – Councillor Colin Boylett.

Flood Warnings;

A Councillor receives flood warning information from the Environment Agency, and the
Emergency Planning Officer at Rother District Council, and ensures that any residents at risk
from any flooding get ample warning of any risks and assists as much as possible in getting
help if required.

Current holder; Councillor Colin Boylett.