Flood Warnings

Flood Warnings


When Flood Alerts and Warnings are received from the Environment Agency they will be posted on the Parish Council website  https://etchinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk  and sent out on the Parish Council messaging system, to sign up for the messages scroll to the bottom of any page on the website and enter your name and email address in the boxes.

When the warnings and updates are received they will also be notified on the Parish Council Facebook page and on the Parish Council Twitter account. ‘Like’ or ‘Follow’ one or both social media accounts to make sure you get early notification of alerts.

Luckily, the majority of Etchingham residents live on higher ground in the village, a number of residents are however in the area that is at risk of flood.

You can register with the Environment Agency to receive warnings of any possible flooding, if you live in a part of the village that might be affected by flooding you can register online at

https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings or by phoning the Floodline on 0845 988 1188. You will be able to register, using your postcode, to receive warnings by telephone, mobile phone, text or email, you can use as many of the contacts as you like, all if you want to.

To register for warnings your postcode needs to be within the flood risk area.

There will be some people who live outside the risk zone and therefore do not have an eligible postcode, but have animals or equipment in the area that is at risk of flooding.

To help with that, a Parish Councillor is registered, on behalf of the Parish Council, to receive the warnings when they are sent out, they are then sent to Nicky to send out on the village E-Bulletin, if you do not receive the bulletins and would like to, or SEND EMAIL and ask to be added.

If you are not registered to receive warnings direct, and do not get the E-Bulletin, the warnings can forwarded on to you when received, just send your name and address and the method(s) you would like me to use to contact you to pass the warnings on {contact details below}.

For more information regarding Flood warnings and alerts for Etchingham, contact; Colin Boylett, 2 Park Farm Close          01580 819532, 07483 211838 or SEND EMAIL


SANDBAGS – We hope they will not be required, but when more heavy rain is forecast, the Parish Council has sandbags available should the need arise.
If you need access to sandbags contact Councillor Simon (Sid) Barrow, contact number on the Parish Council website