Portfolio; Personel Management, ESALC & RALC Representative, Northern Parishes Group Representative, Planning Committee.
My wife and I have lived in Etchingham since mid 2015 having embraced village life from a busy background in North Kent. My professional career as an Electrical Engineer developed into Construction in the 1990s and now I enjoy my own Consultancy troubleshooting major projects to completion mainly for the NHS and DfE.
I have been involved in various minor schemes to enhance road pedestrian safety in Etchingham and with more time to expend on ensuring our village is in safe hands for future generations I am now in a position to assist my fellow Councillor’s in the tasks pertaining to the smooth running and development of this great community. Having very close links with the Environmental Agency combined with my experience in Planning and Building Control makes me well placed to advise and confer on the important issues we may face on a daily basis.