Housing & Developmnent
Minutes of the Meeting of the Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan Housing & Development Focus
Monday 10th July 2017, 8pm at Robinwood
Present: Frank Smith (Chairman), Barbarann Smith, Michael Westwood, Frank Brophy, Darren LangridgeKemp, Mark Langridge-Kemp and Paulette Barton
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from John Barnes.
2. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest to be made.
3. The Chairman welcomed everyone and read out the Focus Group headlines using the Consultant’s
suggestions as a basis.
4. Results of the Call for Sites
Four sites from three landowners have come forward as a result of the Call for Sites in the
Questionnaire. No further sites have been forthcoming following the letter sent by RDC to owners of
sites previously considered under the SHLA. He also confirmed that RDC have agreed that the 9
definite (with a possibility it might be 10) dwellings resulting from the development of the Bracon site on
the High Street would count towards the Etchingham village total of minimum 30.
All present expressed an interest in site visits to the 4 sites offered and a suitable date will be convened
once permission has been gained from the landowners.
5. Mix of housing
It was decided that it would be better to wait until the site inspections had been completed before
discussing this in detail.
6. Design policy – housing
Design policy – landscaping
All agreed that this is very site specific in a village such as Etchingham so would defer discussion until
sites were agreed as possible.
7. Parking – with ref new housing and businesses
Again, it was decided that detailed discussion should await site details.
8. To consider any other matters relevant to the Group
In general discussion regarding ‘next steps’, it was agreed that for the detail that Etchingham wish to
include in the Plan expert assistance is going to be required – drains and sewage for example.
There was general agreement on the importance on protecting the integrity of our listed buildings
possibly beyond the statutory level. To this end photography will be undertaken of the listed buildings,
particularly those in the vicinity of the sites offered for development. DL-K and ML-K will photograph the
environs of High Street, any required photography elsewhere in the parish to be taken up by those living
9. Date of the next meeting and agenda points requested in addition to the above
Friday 21st July, 8pm at Robinwood, Sheepstreet Lane.