I hereby give notice
that a Meeting of the Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee
will take place on Thursday 2nd March at 11.00am at the Bistro, Etchingham
and you are hereby requested to attend.
Paulette Barton (Acting Secretary to the Committee)
(Members are reminded to make any declarations of interests prior to the appropriate agenda item)
1. Apologies for absence
2. To approve the notes of previous meetings so they can be used on the NP Website
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. To consider and approve the draft Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee
7. To consider and, if approved, circulate the Register of Interests forms to members
8. To consider and allocate the writing of text for the initial pages for the NP Website
9. Update on production and circulation of the Questionnaire
10. To consider any other matters relevant to the Committee
11. Date of the next meeting and agenda points requested in addition to the above