Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee
of the Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan
held on Monday 10th April 2017 at 09.30 at the Bistro at the Station, Etchingham
Members Present: Frank Smith (Chairman), Roy Mawford (Vice-Chairman), Barbarann Smith and Cllr Geoff Lucas.
Also present: Ms P Barton – Clerk to EPC and Acting Secretary to the Steering Committee.
12/17. Apologies for Absence:
Had been received from Richard Childs and Sue Westbrook which were accepted.
13/17. Chairman’s Report:
The Chairman reported that completed Questionnaires were being returned both as hard copies and on-line.
Tom Crane has completed initial training for Marian Child and Paulette Barton to enable input of both
questionnaire responses and also input/editing of content onto the website.
14/17. Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer tabled a report in his absence on the current financial position as of 7th April. The meeting
agreed that the position is satisfactory for the time being and welcomed the news that Sue Westbrook is in the
process of applying for the second tranche of the grant available from Locality. The Chair thanked both
Richard and Sue on behalf of the Committee. The full report is on file.
15/17. Timeplan:
The proposed Timeplan presented by Moles Consultancy was accepted in the main but additional reference to
the Focus Groups has been requested to be visible within the plan. This will be done. It was agreed that this
would be the Timeplan to present to RDC Planning at the next joint meeting to be held at the Town Hall,
Bexhill on 20th May.
16/17. Meeting with RDC Planners:
Further discussion points around the meeting with the RDC Planners on 20th May were made and it was agreed
that Moles Consultancy would prepare an agenda for that meeting which would be sent to Rother in advance.
During that meeting ENP SC (Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee) would raise the issue of
the #9 dwellings to be created on the Bracon site being deducted from the 30 suggested for Etchingham; the
future of the Old School site; and reconfirm that the expected scope of the made plan will include design
criteria, dwelling type/size, infrastructure and local economy issues.
17/17. Urgent Matters:
There were no other urgent matters to consider.
18/17. Date of Next Meeting & New Agenda Points:
A brief meeting will be held on 20th April in Parker Hall to include Moles Consultancy after the meeting with
RDC planners and prior to Donna’s presentation to the Annual Parish Meeting. Thereafter the Acting Secretary
will circulate suggested dates following the close of the Questionnaire and preliminary analysis being