Contact details

Contact details

Etchingham Church

The Assumption of Blessed Mary and St Nicholas

United Benefice of Burwash, Burwash Weald and Etchingham

Ohoto of Etchingham Church

Contact details

For general enquiries relating to church matters, contact either of the Church wardens.

For Baptisms, Funerals,Weddings and Pastoral Matters, contact the Rector.


Reverend Thomas Pelham 07856256174 ~


Hon. Secretary ~ Paulette Barton ~ 01580 819691

Treasurer ~  Phillip Hinde  ~ 01580 819434


Mary barnes ~ 01580 819142

Caroline Moore ~  01580 819272

Any comments on the Church pages, or suggestions for additional content, contact webmaster.

Webmaster contact

The church is open daily for visits and private prayer 10am – 4pm.

Go to Church Home Page HERE