Local Churches

Local Churches

Etchingham Church

The Assumption of Blessed Mary and St Nicholas

United Benefice of Burwash, Burwash Weald and Etchingham

Ohoto of Etchingham Church

Other Churches local to Etchingham.

The links below take to the full details of other Churches in the area.


The United Benefice of Burwash, Burwash Weald and Etchingham is a member of Churches Together in Heathfield & District.

Use the links below for information about other local churches.

St. Bartholomew’s, Burwash

St. Phillip’s, Burwash Weald

St. Mary’s, Ticehurst

St. Augustines, Flimwell

Holy Trinity, Hurst Green

St. Mary the Virgin, Salehurst

St Thomas a Becket, Brightling

St Giles, Dallington

Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Burwash

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Wadhurst.

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