Fundraisinging for Playground Safety Surfacing.
The Parish Council and the Etchingham Recreation Ground (Queen’s Garden) Trust are working to replace the play equipment that has had to be taken out of use in Queen’s Garden.
Due to the dreaded Covid-19 an event that was to be organised to raise money for the new play equipment in the Queens Garden’s had to be shelved for the moment. So we thought now would be a good time to do phase 2, which is sponsorship for the new safety surfacing that we need. It is called TigerMulch (Bonded rubber mulch) made from recycled truck tyres.
We need 130m2 at a cost of £7330.00. We vare looking for sponsorship of 1 sq mtr of £25 which is just over half the cost per sq mtr.
Please try and donate, obviously the more people the better, the playground really needs a much needed overhaul/upgrade for the many younger residents of Etchingham.
Just click the link. Thankyou to all of you.