
Important news from ETSR

News from ETSR

The Village Halls remain closed for the foreseeable future for normal hirings.

We can confirm that following an approach from the NHS and Sussex Health authorities, the smaller Parker Hall and adjacent rooms will be used from early January as a Vaccination Centre, as part of the nationwide campaign to defeat the Coronavirus pandemic. We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact starting date for this initiative.

We are delighted that Etchingham can play an important role in this fight to defeat Covid 19.

The Vaccination Centre will be established and run by an operational team from the NHS. Please DO NOT take any action at all to contact the Village Halls, ETSR or the School in respect of any requests regarding the vaccination process. This will be run along national guidelines and on an invitation only basis.

Locally we can confirm that the intended use of the halls as a vaccination centre will NOT interfere with the day to day operation of the school. There will be  separate entrances and exits for people attending appointment sessions and the main entrance to the school will NOT be part of the one way flow system being established. The Headmaster will be writing to all parents and guardians separately on this overall matter when school reopens .

All parties wish this scheme to operate as efficiently as possible. In this context we particularly appeal for help in respect of use of the car park at the School and Halls and especially during the busier drop off and collection period for the pupils.

As matters unfold and if there is an appropriate relaxation of Tiering regulations, we will seek to recommence use of the larger Ahrens Hall, outside school hours, for some of our normal hiring activities. Clearly this is not permitted at present. We will, in those circumstances, be contacting some of our regular users to try to make suitable arrangements.

We hope that everyone in the community will get behind this initiative .

Paul Stott
