May Parish Council.
The May Parish Council meeting is the Statutory AGM when the Chairman and Vice-chairman are elected for the following year and other items are discussed. This is at 7pm on Thursday 16th May, Parker Hall. Immediately following that will be the Annual Parish Assembly starting at 8pm when we are fortunate to be hosting a presentation by a speaker from Rother District Council who will be telling us all about the new draft Local Plan.
This really matters to each and every one of us living in Etchingham. Once this Plan is in place it lasts until 2040. This Plan sets out proposed policies and a development strategy that will help shape development in the district. WHEN ADOPTED THE PLAN’S POLICIES WILL BE USED TO DETERMINE PLANNING APPLICATIONS!
There will be a chance for questions and answers from the public as well as from the parish councillors.
The evening concludes with light refreshments so the conversation can continue.
Everyone is genuinely welcome, please do come along.
The agendas and the DRAFT copy of the April minutes are on the Parish Council website.