Flood Alert issued. A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to the Royal Military Canal. Flooding is...
Flood Alert 30/09/24
A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to the Royal Military Canal. Flooding is possible for: River Rother...
Flood Alert
Flood alert issued. A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to the Royal Military Canal. Flooding is...
Pavements and overgrown hedges
Overgrown hedges and pavement access. From the Parish Clerk Did you know that 500 children a year are killed or injured on the South East roads? No, nor did I until I heard it on the BBC local...
Flood Alert issued, 9th December
A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to the Royal Military Canal. Flooding is possible for: River...
Environment Agency Flood Alert
A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to the Royal Military Canal. Flooding is possible for: River Rother...
Flood Alert November 4th
Flood Alert issued; As you might expect, we have received a flood alert for the Etchingham area, it is only expected to affect low lying fields and roads, so be careful if you are out walking in...
Flood Alert issued
Flood Alert issued A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency. Flooding of propertises not expected. Flood Alert in force: River Rother and its tributaries from Turks Bridge to...
Flood Alert – 19th December 2022
Flood Alert issued. We have had the snow and ice, so now we can treat you to the delights of the latest Flood Alert issued this morning, flooding of property is not expected at this time. A Flood...
Flood Warning no longer active.
Flood Warning no longer active ! Update from the Environment Agency at 10.40am - Flood Warning no longer in...