Overgrown hedges and pavement access.
From the Parish Clerk
Did you know that 500 children a year are killed or injured on the South East roads? No, nor did I until I heard it on the BBC local news earlier this week which makes this message more important than ever.
Our pavements, where they exist at all, are nearly always narrow but our roads are busy and, in spite of all efforts, still remain prone to speeding and carrying an increasing amount of heavy and large vehicles. This is particularly true on the High Street approaching the school but is just as critical on lanes and footways.
Even at this time of year, during the nesting season, human safety takes priority PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE cut your boundary hedges right back and make sure the roots and earth are not encroaching at ground level.
The Parish Council does not have the power to enforce this request but does have the responsibility to report overhanging hedges and vegetation to ESCC Highways who can and will enforce the rule. We have not made any report as yet and would much rather the problem was dealt with quickly by yourselves than having to resort to ESCC.
Please check your boundaries and make sure that everything is as it should be.
Many thanks
Paulette Barton – Proper Officer/Clerk & RFO to Etchingham Parish Council