Queen’s Garden Flagpole

Queen’s Garden Flagpole

The flagpole in Queen’s Garden is used by the village to fly national flags on designated days.

Union Flag in Queen's Garden

A village resident looks after changing the flags on the appropriate dates, using a list of dates supplied by the Parish Council, the Government lists of flag flying days is the basis of the list, we also fly the County flag on Sussex Day and the village flag when events are held in Queen’s Garden.

It was agreed that while the war in Ukraine continues the Ukranian flag will be flown when the flagpole is not in use for other national occasions, as a sign of support for the Ukranians who are currently residing in Etchingham and the surrounding villages.

The list is reviewed regularly, CLICK HERE to view the list of dates.

England Flag in Queen's Garden       Sussex Flag in Queen's Garden        Ukrainian Flag in Queen';s Garden

Etchingham Flag