

Etchingham Parish Council Sub-Committees

Etchingham Parish Council currently operates a Portfolio system, where each Council Member assumes responsibility for a particular area of Council interest and becomes the member that investigates, acquires information about and gives guidance to Council for that subject. So at present the Council does not have a lot of Sob-Committees.


Etchingham Parish Council operates a Portfolio system, where each Council Member assumes responsibility for a particular area of Council interest and becomes the member that investigates, acquires information about and gives guidance to Council for that subject.

The council member may, if desired, take advantage of any training SSALC/RALC or other training provider , on offer, through and also establish links with other authorities and agencies covering their area of responsibility.

It should , however, be remembered that individual Councillors cannot make a decision , or take action on a matter without approval from full Council, any decision or action of the Council must be approved by Council at a meeting in public and communicated via the Parish Clerk/Office.

Members of the public  can contact any Councillor with any matter of concern, they may be able to answer your query straight away, or refer your query to the relevant portfolio holder and the Clerk for further consideration and possible addition to the next meeting agenda.

Current Sub-Committees
