Surface Dressing Sheepstreet Lane – 24th July 2020
ESCC Highways asks us to be aware that surfacing dressing is scheduled to take place along Sheepstreet Lane on 24th July 2020.
Surface dressing is a process that involves spraying bitumen binder on to a dry road surface. They then spread stone chippings and roll the surface to help embed the chippings. Due to the nature of this process, the road cannot be swept for 24 hours after it has been laid, during this time the action of the traffic embeds the chippings into the road surface. There will be loose chippings for around a week after the surface has been laid.
Following works, advisory 20mph speed limits are put in place. This is to protect road users from loose chippings.
The road is usually swept after 24 hours, 3 days and again one week after the new surface has been laid.
The road markings will be replaced after the final road sweep. This can be one to three weeks after the works. If parked cars are in the way then there may be further delays whilst we remove them to put the road markings back. Any cats-eyes will also be replaced at this time.
If it rains or is either too hot (temperatures over around 40°C) or too cold (temperatures below around 10°C) then they will not be able to carry out the work. When rescheduled we will be informed via signs on site as to when the works will happen.