Village Voice

Village Voice

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Etchingham Village Voice in the Battle Observer

Etchingham has a village correspondent who gathers information from village residents and writes the weekly Etchingham Village Voice column in the Battle Observer.  A wide variety of information can be included in the column such as forthcoming events, fund raisers, coffee mornings, special achievements, public service information and many other items, in fact anything that would be of interest to readers of the paper.

Do not wait until the last few days before sending in your information, send the details as soon as you have them available, then your event or function can be given a brief mention a few weeks in advance to give people a chance to note the date in their diary, then the full details can be included nearer the date.

Remember also that your supporters are interested knowing how successful your event was, if it was a fund raiser how much you raised for your good cause, so always remember to send in details after the event.

There are several ways to send information, but to avoid errors during copying the best method is email .

Address; Can be delivered by hand or post to Colin Boylett, 2 Park Farm Close, Etchingham, TN19 7DQ

Phone; 01580 819532  or  07484 635014        Email;