
Vaccination site update from ETSR

News from ETSR

We look forward to the opening of the NHS Vaccination Centre in the Village halls next week. We are delighted to have been chosen as a venue and to have worked closely with the NHS and the School to bring matters to this point.

The Centre will be managed and operated by the NHS for the benefit of Rother residents on a strictly appointments only basis.

As with any other venue that could have been selected, one of the key issues will be car parking for the medical staff and support staff and visiting patients. Normally we can offer 40 spaces and we have added to this with the help of the school.

We are looking for maximum help and support from all villagers, especially to avoid unnecessarily occupying car park spaces.

If you have an appointment please walk to the Centre wherever possible or arrange to be dropped off and collected.

There has been a great response from the village for volunteers. If you are a local volunteer helper please walk to the Centre or be dropped off. Please avoid parking at the halls for the duration of your volunteering period.

Please avoid parking in the approach road to the halls and do not park in the private roads at Parsonage Croft which are clearly signposted. Similarly help to prevent any congestion in nearby roads, including Borders Lane. All such roads must be kept clear for emergency vehicles at all times.

If you are dropping off or collecting children at either the school or the pre school please do so as speedily as possible to help avoid any congestion in the car park.

If you are a resident close to the halls and have free car parking spaces which could be used by a member of the medical, support staff or volunteers please contact or Tel : 07801 844671 and we will help to make the necessary introductions.

Finally, please do not park in the car park if you are visiting Parsonage Croft, or taking your dog for a walk or for similar recreational purposes.

The Vaccination Centre is likely to run from the halls for a period of 17 weeks and we greatly appreciate all help that everyone can give for this specific operation and in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

Paul Stott

Chairman, ETSR