
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22

The Parish Council’s Annual Accounts are audited each yearin accordance with guidelines issued by the Audit Commission. Please click the link below to view the internally and externally audited files.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 CLICK HERE

All the documents in this section are available as PDF, if you require a copy in another format, or a printed copy, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Use the links below to navigate to other Financial Categories.

Payments and Receipts

Budget & Precept

Annual Governance & Accountability (Audits)

Council Grants

Approved Budget & Precept 2021

Uploaded on March 18, 2021

CIL Report

Uploaded on November 17, 2020

Audit completion documents 2020

Uploaded on November 12, 2020

Audit completion documents, 2019

Uploaded on July 20, 2020

Grants Protocol

Uploaded on December 7, 2019

Grants Protocol

Uploaded on December 6, 2019